Our Mission

SpaceCrafted wants to encourage the world to eat healthier by offering gourmet-tasting chocolates packed with all the essential nutrients needed to sustain a healthy body and mind.

SPACECRAFTED Multichocolate bars are the first of their kind. Packed with 70+ of nature's finest nutrients (see ingredients). Originally crafted for ESA and NASA astronauts to keep them healthy and happy during their long missions in space, lasting 6 months or longer. And now, SPACECRAFTED Multichocolate is here for the rest of us to enjoy, right here on planet Earth. SPACECRAFTED Multichocolate is a gourmet chocolate bar that truly tastes amazing, comes in 3 different flavors, and is charged with all the essential nutrients to sustain a healthy body and mind.

SPACECRAFTED Multichocolate are created by these two wonderful nerds:


Thorsten Schmidt, owner of Restaurant Barr, is a rebellious chef whose approach is always experimental and unpredictable. His curiosity and innovative thinking continuously break the rules of what is possible—and his creative cuisine speaks to all the senses.

He’s always found inspiration in fields far from his own. And he’s used insights and knowledge from all different kinds of experts to innovate and challenge his own field. As he puts is; “I love to create moments you don’t know exist”.

Thorsten started out as a competitive chef competing in all the national and international championships together with Rasmus Kofoed and the Danish national team of chefs. Later, he started the gourmet restaurant Malling and Schmidt in Aarhus where he truly played with the boundaries as to what an eating experience was and could be.

Through the years, he started focusing more and more on the effect food has on the body. He started to question why you always felt too full and not too well after a Michelin meal. Food was either tasty or heathy. Never both. He set his mind to change this.

As a part of this journey, he started to work as the chef for the famous Danish cyclist Team Saxobank where his top priority was to provide the cyclists with top-level nutrition and good eating experiences to enhance their performance.

He has continued to work with combining top-level nutrition and gourmet taste ever since. And that’s why his kitchen does not only produce culinary artistry and great culinary experiences, it is also a laboratory where he researches and develops new methods and creations.

This is where SpacedCrafted saw the light of day after thousands of hours of research and experimenting with nature’s finest ingredients. And right here, he’ll continue to do his magic by always questioning the status quo.

Lisbeth Ankersen

Lisbeth Ankersen

Lisbeth Ankersen has a superpower. She has more taste buds and receptors, so her perception of flavor is stronger and more nuanced than the average person. For years, Lisbeth has used special skills as a super taster for product development in collaboration with a wide range of international companies.

But Lisbeth doesn’t just have great taste. She is also a one-of-a-kind nerd. After receiving her Master of science degree in 1994 from Aarhus University, Lisbeth established and headed the R&D laboratory of Pharma Nord at the age of just 25.

At Fertin Pharma and Cadbury she was appointed Clinical Research Manager, Product Developer and Technical Innovation Manager. And throughout the years, she has worked with International Product Development from A to Z - including legislation and EFSA approved health claims.

She is the founder and CEO of InnovaConsult ApS founded in 2010. Here, she works with Sensory Science and Product Development for companies and associations like Ferrero, Arla, and Irish Dairy Association, just to name a few.

Lisbeth is constantly curious of the world around her. She doesn’t just enjoy food; she insists on getting to the bottom of why some ingredients go better together than others. She wants to continue to explore new tastes whether it is wild plants or a jelly fish she comes across. She knows everything there is to know about the vagus nerve because she wants to truly explore the brain-gut connection and what it can do for us. And she has poured all of this experience, knowledge and curiosity into her work with SpaceCrafted, and will continue to do so. The journey has just begun.